Digitalisation and the use of data

Digitalisation and the use of data play a fundamental role in shaping the healthcare system of the future. Although there is basic agreement that the healthcare system must be digitalised, the transformation is making only slow progress. In particular, the revision concerning electronic patient records (EPR) has yet to take place. CSS believes that fast-tracking further development of the EPR is key to digitally transforming the healthcare system. The current EPR is barely used because it does not offer sufficient added value to patients and service providers.

To fill the existing gap and accelerate the pace of digitalisation in the Swiss healthcare system, CSS champions its own innovative solutions for future-proof healthcare. For example, together with its partners, CSS has launched the digital health platform Well, which offers interactive access to healthcare to everyone living in Switzerland and is open to all stakeholders (service providers, insurance companies, pharmacies, etc.). With the aid of mobile devices, chronically ill patients can monitor their condition and get in touch with healthcare professionals at any time thanks to Well. Moreover, Well guarantees digitally supported integrated care within the EHC care network, with which CSS cooperates.

Digitalisation not only increases transparency for insured persons. Thanks to data analyses conducted by the institutions, it also boosts transparency regarding the services they provide. This, in turn, can improve quality and rein in costs. Digitalisation also enables better coverage of client needs. Thus, for example, CSS offers its clients personalised medical advice, among other things, through Well, which is available 24/7.

Insured persons can also take responsibility for their personal health within programmes such as active365. The programme conveys knowledge on various aspects of leading a healthy lifestyle and rewards activities in relation to nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and mental health.

To unlock the benefits of digitalisation, all partners should coordinate and align their respective competencies. Standardised data structures and content are essential to ensuring that systems are interoperable and can work together seamlessly. Digitalisation can only make headway if there is a good and efficient data system. This calls for the right framework – one which guarantees the security of data without hampering the potential of digitalisation. Outside Switzerland, health data is handled by what are known as 'trust centres'. They link and manage personal health data and make it available in a safe environment while also ensuring high quality. This enables patients, research institutes and service providers to view high-quality, structured and up-to-date health data. This approach could also make sense in Switzerland.

Technology and regulation should be used to create an ecosystem that allows the trusted use of data and seamless interaction between actors while preserving patients’ data sovereignty. In addition to proper regulation, the main requirements for a digital ecosystem are technical infrastructures, applications and high-quality interoperable data. The “DigiSanté” programme launched by the Federal Council in November 2023 addresses the majority of political demands. In 2024, Parliament approved a guarantee credit of CHF 392 million, stipulating that priorities must be set and a yearly report delivered to Parliament. CSS supports these efforts to finally lay the groundwork for data-driven healthcare.

Your health partner

As a health partner, we are committed to leading a healthy life, actively taking steps to regain one's health and developing a mindful approach to illness.

Being healthy

We help our clients find and maintain their balance, physically and mentally.
For a healthy life

Becoming healthy

We help anyone who is ill or has medical questions to find their way through the maze and quickly get the answers they need.
Steps to getting healthy

Living with illness

We have additional offers that encourage a mindful approach to chronic diseases.
Coping with illness